

[HPDC 2024] ESG: Pipeline-Conscious Efficient Scheduling of DNN Workflows on Serverless Platforms with Shareable GPUs;
Xinning Hui, Yuanchao Xu, Zhishan Guo, and Xipeng Shen;
The 33rd International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC), 2024.
to appear

[HPCA 2024] Data Enclave: A Data-Centric Trusted Execution Environment;
Yuanchao Xu, James Pangia, Chencheng Ye, Yan Solihin, and Xipeng Shen;
The 30th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), 2024.
to appear

[ASPLOS 2023] SpecPMT: Speculative Logging for Resolving Crash Consistency Overhead of Persistent Memory;
Chencheng Ye, Yuanchao Xu, Xipeng Shen, Yan Sha, Xiaofei Liao, Hai Jin, and Yan Solihin;
The 28th ACM International Conference on Architecture Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2023.

[HPCA 2023] Reconciling Selective Logging and Hardware Persistent Memory Transaction;
Chencheng Ye, Yuanchao Xu, Xipeng Shen, Yan Sha, Xiaofei Liao, Hai Jin, and Yan Solihin;
The 29th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), 2023.

[ISCA 2022] FFCCD: Fence-Free Crash-Consistent Concurrent Defragmentation for Persistent Memory;
Yuanchao Xu, Chencheng Ye, Yan Solihin, and Xipeng Shen;
The 49th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2022.
[Paper] [Slides]

[HPCA 2022] Temporal Exposure Reduction Protection for Persistent Memory;
Yuanchao Xu, Chencheng Ye, Xipeng Shen, and Yan Solihin;
The 28th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), 2022.
[Paper]. [Slides]

[RTAS 2022] Brief industry paper: Enabling level-4 autonomous driving on a single \$1 k off-the-shelf card.;
Hsin-Hsuan Sung, Yuanchao Xu, Jiexiong Guan, Wei Niu, Bin Ren, Yanzhi Wang, Shaoshan Liu, and Xipeng Shen;
the 28th Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), 2022.

[MICRO 2021] PCCS: Processor-Centric Contention Slowdown Model for Heterogeneous System-on-chips;
Yuanchao Xu, Mehmet Esat Belviranli, Xipeng Shen, and Jeffrey Vetter;
The 54th International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2021.
[Paper] [Slides]

[ICDM 2021] Recurrent Neural Networks Meet Context-Free Grammar: Two Birds with One Stone;
Hui Guan, Umang Chaudhary, Yuanchao Xu, Lin Ning, Lijun Zhang, and Xipeng Shen;
the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2021.
[Paper] [Slides]

[OOPSLA 2021] UDF to SQL Translation through Compositional Lazy Inductive Synthesis;
Guoqiang Zhang, Yuanchao Xu, Xipeng Shen, and Işil Dillig;
ACM SIGPLAN Object-oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), 2021.

[ISCA 2021] Supporting Legacy Libraries on Non-Volatile Memory: A User-Transparent Approach;
Chencheng Ye, Yuanchao Xu, Xipeng Shen, Xiaofei Liao, Hai Jin, and Yan Solihin;
The 48th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2021.

[HPCA 2021] Hardware-Based Address-Centric Acceleration of Key-Value Store;
Chencheng Ye, Yuanchao Xu, Xipeng Shen, Xiaofei Liao, Hai Jin, and Yan Solihin;
The 27th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), 2021.

[ISCA 2020] Hardware-Based Domain Virtualization for Intra-Process Isolation of Persistent Memory Objects;
Yuanchao Xu, Chencheng Ye, Yan Solihin, and Xipeng Shen;
The 47th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2020.

[ASPLOS 2020] MERR: Improving Security of Persistent Memory Objects via Efficient Memory Exposure Reduction and Randomization;
Yuanchao Xu, Yan Solihin, and Xipeng Shen;
The 25th ACM International Conference on Architecture Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2020.

[IPDPS 2018] Taming the ''Monster'': Overcoming Program Optimization Challenges on SW26010 Through Precise Performance Modeling;
Shizhen Xu, Yuanchao Xu, Wei Xue, Xipeng Shen, Xiaomeng Huang, and Guangwen Yang;
The 32nd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, (IPDPS), 2018.


[TACO 2022] Preserving Addressability Upon GC-Triggered Data Movements on Non-Volatile Memory;
Chencheng Ye, Yuanchao Xu, Xipeng Shen, Hai Jin, Xiaofei Liao, Yan Solihin, Chencheng Ye, Yan Solihin, and Xipeng Shen;
the ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, (TACO), 2022.


[NVMW 2023] Temporal Exposure Reduction Protection for Persistent Memory;
Yuanchao Xu, Chencheng Ye, Xipeng Shen, and Yan Solihin;
the 14th Non-Volatile Memories Workshop, (NVMW), 2023.

[NVMW 2022] SoftPM: Software Persistent Memory;
Yuanchao Xu, Wei Xu, Kimberly Keeton, and David E. Culler;
the 13th Non-Volatile Memories Workshop, (NVMW), 2022.

[SEED 2021] New Security Challenges for Persistent Memory;
Naveed Ul Mustafa, Yuanchao Xu, Xipeng Shen, and Yan Solihin;
the 1st International Symposium on Secure and Private Execution Environment Design, (SEED), 2021.